César is a Mexican artist living in Mexico City with his wife and their 3 xoloitzcuintles: Temoc, Aluxe; and Yali, the baby.
His work consists of drawings, sculptures and digital illustrations (as seen at the bottom of the page) that are inspired by the human figure and movement. César aims to capture the journey through life by creating dreamlike spaces where characters interact with their surroundings.
His illustrations are primarily influenced by cartoons and comics from his childhood. Through these he tries to capture everyday life and Xoloitzcuintles.

A handful of Césars art has been exhibited in Art Fairs like: Art San Diego back in 2011, 2013 and 2014, where he was selected as a Spotlight Artist; SPECTRUM Miami Art Show, in 2014; César was selected to be part of the Open Walls Project in San Diego, CA in 2014.
In Mexico, his art has been showcased in Biennials like, Arte Sano 3.0 in Mexico City, Bienal de Artes Visuales del Noroeste, Museo de Arte de Sonora MUSAS, Hermosillo, Sonora, XX Bienal Plástica de Baja California, Mexicali, B.C. and 10ma Bienal Universitaria de Arte Contemporáneo UABC, Sala de Arte Rubén García Benavides, Mexicali B.C.
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