Hello, my name is Hanne Engebretsen and I live in the central part of Norway, not far from the capital of Norway, Oslo.
Even though it's not far from the city, we live near the countryside and we are very fortunate to have such a gem of a place.
My Xolo Journey
I first got into Xolos in the year 2014. I bought my first Xolo, Barney, 18th April 2014 from Jan-Åke and Åse Persson of the infamous, Kennel Warner Bros, in Sweden. (Although he was bred by Lesley and Steve from kennel Sheldobchi in the UK).
What originally inspired me to have this breed was the simple fact that they lacked fur. This was partly due to my allergies, but the fact that they have no known health issues is also a huge bonus.
When I got my first Xolo, I quickly learned more about my chosen breed and how truly special they are. Everything changed for me. Every bone in my body told me that I needed to be a part of those who were devoted to preserve and protect the breed for the future years to come.
Originally, I solely wished to own this breed for companionship, but a short while after, I was introduced to the world of dog shows and I was immediately bitten by the "bug".
I’d like to add that before I got into the dog world I had two horses and I was actively competing in dressage, but several accidents made my career come to a full stop. So, I soon found myself lounging for a sport that didn’t demand as much from me like the horses did, as my neck was pretty much destroyed in my accident and so was the rest of my body. Luckily, with some help, I realized that I could work dogs and dog shows. For that I am so grateful! And so my dog world journey began.
Jan-Åke and Åse became my biggest inspiration and mentors in the world of dogs, dog showing and breeding! Not only did I obtain my first Xolo from them, but also my second and third. That helped play a big role in my dog world and to build the relationship we now have.
Current Time
Today I mainly focus on breeding intermediate sized Xolos, but I occasionally get a mini here and there.

As of now, our home consists of 4 Xolos. Two males, a 12yr old mini and a 4yr old intermediate. Two females, a 6yr old and 2yr old. We also got several co-ownership dogs and some dogs we have out on a contract. This way they all get the best attention and love possible to have that happy and healthy life they so very much deserves.
Now with my 4 Xolos, I’ve found myself with my own pack, own kennel name, multiple champs and winners within my “stable”. It’s helped a lot to have very inspirational mentors and having them give me all the keys I needed to know how to be the best owner, breeder and trainer for my breed.
My Passion
My passion for xolos lit a big flame in me. Suddenly I was asked to join the breed club that “Xoloitzcuintle” are underneath. Not long after that I was handpicked to become the leader for the beloved breed, a role that I proudly maintained from 2015 to 2021.
The more I learned about the breed the more passionate I became. Passionate about preservation, about temperament and about health.
I’ve also worked extensively in Norway to build up the breeds reputation from basically not being recognized to its glory today.
With help from my mentors i’ve been able to write a breed specific document for Xolos in Norway. This document includes future goals for the breed and health test requirements for miniature and intermediate sized Xolos. Now in order to be registered within the Norwegian Kennel Club these requirements must be met.
These health test requirements are for testing status on patella and eye diseases on miniature and intermediate size Xolos. I’m hoping to one day get through known health status on HD/AD and eyes for the standard size Xolos as well, but i’m currently facing some lack of willingness from the new leaders who took the reigns.
On top of that I’ve also spent thousand of hours standing on “meet the breed” stands and have hosted several breed speciality shows as well. I found it all so extremely rewarding, fun and entertaining, but since covid, I have finally decided to take a step back from all the club work. I felt that it was time to give over the reigns to others who were able to give it more focus than I felt I had been able to give it during that time. I felt like it was time to focus more on my own work with my kennel, family and health.
I do not regret it, but I do believe that my mission isn’t finished within the club. With my eagerness and ideas, I occasionally add in my two cents, but now only as a member. Not as the person in the hot seat position. Ha ha.

My big goals are to keep preserving the breed as best as I possibly can with what I know now and what I will learn throughout my years with them in the future.
Some of the ways I plan to do this is by always making sure I health test my own dogs and those I choose for breeding, using healthy, mentally stable and functional dogs who can also make for great companions to their families.
Other goals of mine are to keep educating the public through my SoMe canals. The internet is for sure the biggest platform to do this.
I also dream to one day step back into the breed club to help ensure that here in Norway we are doing our part in preserving the breed as best as possible!
Last but not least, as I only have minis and intermediate xolos, I hope to one day have a standard sized as well. Preferably from Mexico or Mexican lines to widen the geenpool in Europe.
“I have always been driven by my love for animals. This will never change and this is how I keep my flame burning.”
- Hanne Engebretsen